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ELTA Display At Autorama 2016
50 members & friends boarded our rented bus, (Pics #2-3) to head for the show.
(Pics #4-5-6-7) show a '48 Plymouth coupe, the ELTA banner, the new ELTA Mini-Gasser, done by our own Jerry Campbell and a stunning '57 Chev.
Turning the corner (Pics# 8-9-10) were 3 dragsters, centered by the famous "Charley Horse" owned by our own original member, Charlie Haviland.
Proceeding down the other side, (Pics #11-12-13-14) was our own Chris Nemeth's '58 Chev, another ELTA banner and the show's featured Plymouth Coupe, owned by Jim Hartman of London. Jim looking so proud of his' finally finished coupe' also has the trunk looking good.
Chris's "Josephine", recently pinstriped beauty, (Pic #15) was loaded with "Pin-up" girls (Pics # 16-17-18 )
This bevy of beauties ( Pics # 19-20-21-22 ) were then led by Mark Rogerson to pose for a great photo shoot!
Maestro Mark then orchestrated the girls, (Pics 23-24-25) into another scenario to display the new club jacket while he looked on. What a "Marketing Man"!
Next they placed one of the ladies in a Rail Job (Pic#26-27-28-29) also in a jacket to the delight of the gathering crowd.
(Pics # 30-31) are of two of the girls simulating a drive in the '38 and then beautifying the front end.
A very special guest Gene Winfield came over (Pic# 32) to congratulate Jim Hartman on his '33 Coupe, before a group picture (Pic #33) was taken.
Our group then took in the rest of the show, stopped to eat in Windsor, and boarded the bus (Pics #34-35) to head home.
On behalf of our group, Joe Biro (Pic #40) gives a double thumbs up for another great club function.
Thanks to Rick and Chris!
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