2012 was a banner year for both our club, and it's members, filled with many events thanks to all our committies hard work and comitment to the club. The year started with Megaspeed in T.O., where both the club and several members were recognized. We had an excellent display at the Dragstrip Show in Hamilton, The 4th annual Remember When Cruise, which featured even more cars and continues to grow and get better each year. The Brantford Downtown Show. The Hartman Bash in London. Our annual Picnic, The Soap Box Derby, and the many other cruises and cruise nights many of us attended. And old and new members even got a chance to relive memories at the old club house for one last time. We again ended the year with a exceptional Christmas dinner and fellowship.
The Duke
The old Clubhouse Was Resurrected!... It was to be used as a backdrop for the show!
The guys worked hard to get it ready and to fit it together for the show as our backdrop
Then off to the show...
To get the diplay ready it took a big crew.
Plenty of manpower showed up to get the job done.
Banners were strung...Up high to draw attention
Gary greeted Charley himself, who was cutting up!
Cars were... POLISHED...
We had the famous "Charley Horse"
And Wagons
And a pair of PICKUPS...
Great Cars Like...
Joe's 64
Chris's '58
Jim's '52
And then Kenny's "ROCKET"
The Three Amigos...Jim, Gary & John
There was a "WALL OF FAME"
And Moe...He got Framed!
History was all over!
Like with this Christmas Tree...
348's & 409's Were on the floor
And some of our visitors were very well known "STARS"
With all the Memorabilia, there was plenty to see!....
And in the cars!
Decked out in Club Colours we had...
And a pair of BLACK BEAUTIES
John's '64
Distinguished couples And Original Members
There were Members galore.... And then there.... Were more!
The Piston Pusher Trophy...
Was Presented to "BUGSPLAT"
The Club gave Gary Chalice a Memento...
Then came our Awards...
Doug Sabila
Chris Nemeth
Mark Rogerson
Jim Mills
Brian Bowerman
Jamie Underwood
John Harris
Bob Howard
Murry Smith
Murry Tuck
Ken Cook Captured Two Awards!
Dan McWirter"s Rail Dragster also got two Awards, and fifty dollars!
Dan Bratina picked up the Club Banner Award which included one hundred dollars.
We also got the Club Display Award, which also brought one thousand dollars!
This total team effort should have made all brothers very proud!
Our story has been told...THE END
Dragstrip Memories Show
By Duke Snyder
The recent Dragstrip Memories show started by Rob and Val Potter (the artist who did our successful Club House sketch) was tthe 1st ever and turned out to be a real success. It was held at the Canadian War Plane Heritage Museum in Mt. Hope Ontario. Club displays were set up around and under the wings of the beautiful planes inside making an absolute display of history and something spectacular to see.
As we entered the museum, there was Rob Potter's '67 Rambler American, surounded by a bunch of news articles etc. on drag racing and pictures of his exploits.
In their booth was one of Val's works of none other than Mr. 289 Donnie Havers, from his Speed Shop Days in Toronto along with a sketch of his famous car. (Don had been a gust speaker at one of our meetings last year.)
Lots of well known cars easily recognizied by many.
The Little Blue Wagon, a wheelstander should be well known by members of the club who have seen it at different drags or on display at Hartman Bashes or ELTA barbeques.
The Rainmaker
A Slowpokes car and trophy display
The Termitte
Jar Racing's coupe There were also tables of model dragsters
An autographed picture of Al Coubrough was prominent in flagging us to our own Piston Pusher display. One of the largest displays, it was nestled under the wings of the largest planes in the museum.
Drag movies were displayed as well as other articles from the past
We had Dan McWhirter's Pipe Layer Special and Charlie Haviland's Charlie Horse surrounded by lots of history and stories. Many visitors discussed the times of these two gentlemen's heyday.
A table was loaded with historical pictures like Charlie with The Horse or a youg Doug Woodley in the Gadsby hat. There were extra copies galore that some people were very interested in getting.
Top left shows Danno, just after adding something new to Dan's Rail Dragster discussing his job on our new trailer which was displayed for the first time and certainly got a lot of attention from the club members in attendance as well as the other clubs and spectators. The trailer should certainly advertise our club as it rolls around from event to event with our displays and storage items in to help us spreed the news of our club all over. What a marvellous job done by Danno.
Danno as he completes another job in our hobby.
Simcoe & Otterville Shows
by Duke Snyder
Two of our members captured awards at the 11th Annual Victoria Weekend Car Show held in Simcoe on Sunday May 20, 2012. These two members brought more recognition to the Piston Pushers. I am glad I was there to catch this . Congratulations Brothers!
Scott Haviliand being presented with the "Best Hot Rod Award". I believe it's a 35 Ford.
Fred Bradley is receiving the "Lion's Choice Award" with his '80 Shay Polar Bear.
Duke also snapped these photos of some of our members at the Otterville Show
Port Maitland Cruise
4th Annual Remember When Cruise
Hartman's Bash 2012
Our Annual Club Family Picnic
Born Again
by: Duke Snyder
For a while on Saturday October 6, 2012 a great group of club stalwarts were born again at the old Piston Pusher Clubhouse on the highway thanks to Bob Westbrook and his group. It gave a good chance to take pictures, have a visit inside, and hear many stories from within the hallowed walls and enjoy a barbeque lunch and great friendship. This was a once in a liftime chance to revisit the club's past and just goes to show "if you snooze-----you lose!" Many thanks to the arrangers. Even Mark Rogerson put on a show for the attendees as the picture shows him breezing past!
Memories from an old Piston Pusher who now resides in Moose Jaw
Once again, I wish that I could have been there with you guys to enjoy the experience of being back in the clubhouse once again. There was a time when I spent more time there than at home. The normal daily routine was, after work go home, shower, have a quick supper, wash the old '54 Meter if it needed it.... than head out to the clubhouse.Many evenings no one else was there yet, so King would get his supper,we'd have some play time, than he'd get out for a run. There were many nights , especially on week-ends when I'd go out, pull the car inside and crash out on the back seatin my sleeping bag. King of course, the buddy he was curled up on the floor in the back, beside me. How he hated thunder storms... before I could even get the shop door closed, he'd already be in the car waiting for me! That old shop represents a lot of great friends, awesome memories and good times to me! That's where it all began for me... this whole old car, hot rod and drag racing thing. That was in 1962, and here 50 years latter... still doing it today. My most sincere "thanks" to the guys who were members during my years in the Club.... you taught mr the true meaning of friendship and brotherhood! And I can't forget my good buddy 'King."
Wayne Moyer
Waterford Pumpkinfest
The Piston Pushers came out to help waterford celebrate Pumpkinfest with their parade